Research Services
Beacon Research offers a full range of services. Each research study is
designed to meet specific needs – we do not use the boilerplate approach to
research. Because each client faces unique issues, Beacon Research begins any
project with an analysis of the environment, and then develops an approach to
address the client’s particular needs. We use the results of this approach to
counsel clients in strategic decision-making for their organization.
Beacon Research uses a state-of-the-art Computer Aided Telephone Interviewing
(CATI) system. As data are gathered, they are entered into the computer so the
client can have actual day-to-date results. We also use Teleform Software, a
program that lets us design custom written surveys that are answered on a
“bubble sheet” and scanned into a database for analysis. These programs
incorporate the latest professional software available for public opinion
Research Capabilities Include:
Telephone surveys
Focus groups
Web-based surveys
Readership studies
Message testing
Organizational change studies
Communication audits
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